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People attend therapy for all sorts of reasons: personal growth, when going through a rough patch, and emotional difficulties just to name a few. You may be unsure of when to seek therapy or if it’s the right course of action for you. Check out these 5 signs that may signify it’s time for you to explore therapy.

Five Signs for When To Seek Therapy:

Feelings of stress and overwhelm

It’s normal to feel stressed from time to time, however, if feelings of stress and overwhelm are distracting from your daily life, it may be time to see a therapist. Feelings of stress can make it difficult to remain on task or regulate your emotions. Feelings of overwhelm can make it difficult to healthily process and cope with situations. Therapy can help to uncover the source of stress/overwhelming feelings, while also providing skills and techniques that are best suited for you to be able to be your best self. 

You’re experiencing relationships issues

Whether it’s with family, friends, or a romantic partner, at times we may find the relationships in our lives difficult to navigate through. The relationships within our lives (or lack thereof) can impact our daily functioning and inform the way we see ourselves and the world around us. Whether it’s needing help with an unhealthy relationship, gaining skills in boundary setting, or learning how to better communicate with loved ones, therapy can be a great first step in navigating through our relationships with others.

Feelings of grief

Processing through and overcoming grief can be an enduring process, one which you don’t have to experience alone. Loss of a loved one, job loss, or divorce/significant break-up can all knock you off your feet, more so if one experiences multiple losses in a short period of time. Therapists help to provide a safe space where one can navigate through the difficult or distressing emotions that grief may bring. 

Navigating through life transitions

Just had a baby? Starting college? Just moved to a new environment? These are all life transitions that you may need help navigating when adjusting to your new normal. Therapy provides you with a confidential and non-judgemental space that allows time for processing and helps you learn how to approach future challenges or changes. 

Living through a pandemic

It’s been a lot, to say the least. Since 2020, so much has happened and it can be difficult to sort through and process what has occurred (and is still occurring) throughout the world. Aspects of life are still ongoing and may have been changed dramatically due to the pandemic. There is no guidebook for how we’re supposed to get through this. It’s a journey, so remember to give yourself grace in this ever-changing and unpredictable new world.

While these are a few signs that it’s time to seek therapy, remember that something doesn’t have to be “wrong” to see a therapist.

Therapy can help you gain the tools and skills for you to be your best self and healthily navigate through any problems that life may bring your way.

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