In Documentary

As we round the corner to a year of living in a global pandemic, life is still turned upside down. This has been especially hard for teens who thrive on social connections and building deep relationships during a pivotal point in their mental and physical development. Anxiety about what the future might look like and stress about not being able to experience moments such as graduation or prom in a way they once imagined are looming.

Though these times are unprecedented and difficult, there are still ways to manage stress and anxiety.

5 Tips to Help Teenage Anxiety and Stress

  1. Pick one thing a day to achieve, whether it be a big task or something small, like making your bed. Mastering something on a to do list is key to keeping ourselves feeling confident.
  2. Normalize the experience. As an adult, it’s important to attempt conversations with your teen, keeping an open dialogue about their ongoing struggles. Teens need to know that now, more than ever, they are not alone and have a safe, judgment-free space.
  3. Disconnect from social media for at least one hour every day. This helps teens to connect to the present moment, the people physically in their space and the world around them.
  4. Allow your teen some breathing room, physically as well as emotionally. Although some structure to daily life is important, there should be flexibility to focus on hobbies and interests to reduce stress and feeling overwhelmed.
  5. Practice Loving-Kindness. Here are a few tips: Take the time to say one kind statement to yourself. You’ve got this! Allow yourself to do the things you love at least once a day. avoid comparing yourself to others and give yourself a break.

Remember: you are doing the best you can as a parent, and teens are coping the best way they know how. Know that you can always reach out for help with teenage anxiety or stress. Parents and guardians can’t be expected to have all the right answers – especially now – and a therapist can help.

“Healing takes time and asking for help is a courageous step.” – Mariska Hargitay, Actress

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