In Documentary

While some people may have always found making new friends a bit stressful, it certainly is even more difficult to make friends during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of us are taking measures to stay physically distant and limiting in-person social interaction.

Despite the unprecedented circumstances we are all experiencing, it’s still possible to engage with others and build friendships, it just may look different!

Quick reminder:

You are lovable! There are plenty of things to love about you.

You are inherently worthy, just as you are. It’s important to remember this!

It is natural, especially now, for it to take effort and time to make new friends and maintain those friendships.

Let’s go over a few ways to find and maintain friendships.

Reconnecting with old friends

Reaching out may be scary, especially if you haven’t spoken to somebody in a long time. Even though it’s intimidating, make the first move.

Remind yourself to check the facts: Is this person somebody I want to maintain a friendship with? What is the worst thing that could happen if I reach out? What is the best thing that could happen if I reach out? Remember, people would be lucky to have you as a friend!

Making friends remotely

During these unique times, virtual groups are more popular than ever! Some of us may have “Zoom fatigue” and that’s completely valid, but joining a virtual group once a week is a great way to maintain friendships and make new ones!

How do you know what groups to join?

When making the effort to create new or rebuild older friendships, think about what you want out of a friendship. For example, if you find that you like to have shared interests and hobbies, it might be helpful to meet others who are already involved in the things you enjoy.

What hobbies do you have? What are you passionate about? Start there. If you tailor your search to groups and communities that have something in common with you, it will make your journey to friendship a lot easier. You’ll already have some things in common, so you’ll have built-in conversation starters until you get comfortable talking about other things.

Factors to consider when making friends

Sometimes we think that a conversation didn’t go that well, or that somebody doesn’t want to be our friend. It might be worth remembering that it’s possible you were liked more than you had initially assumed.

Try to stay in Wise Mind and check the facts! Did the person say that? Or is it an assumption? To be gentle with yourself and others when trying to make friends while engaging online or in-person.

It is important to remember that friendships require effort from all involved and it often takes time to develop trust with new people.

Gentle reminders!

COVID-19 has brought many unique challenges, which are bound to impact your life in many ways, including how you navigate making friends.

Although it may feel like a lot more work to try to make friends during the pandemic, remember that a lot of people are in the same boat and want that connection with others, as well!

You got this. You are loveable. You have incredible qualities that should be shared with others!

“Make new friends, but keep the old; Those are silver, these are gold.” – Joseph Parry, Composer

Think different, do more, worry less.

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