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As we get older, making friends is not as easy as it once was. School, sports teams, and after school activities helped set up friend groups with similar interests pretty easily throughout adolescence and college. Now as adults, making friends is not as simple. With adulthood comes more responsibilities such as careers, more financial responsibilities, homes, and new roles such as being a spouse/partner and even a parent.

These new roles and responsibilities may make it difficult, but that does not mean there aren’t tips and tricks you can use to find friends:

  1.   Know you are not alone

You might think you are the only one in adulthood who has not made these lifelong friendships like you see on social media. The truth is: you are not alone! There are more people than you might think who are trying to make friends as an adult as well. So don’t let this thought affect your goal of making friends.

  1.   Get set up

Ask your friends to set you up with their friends. Ask your existing friends, co-workers, or members of your family to set you up with people that you might truly get to develop friendships with. Share your interests and see if they know anyone who also enjoys going hiking on the weekends, loves to cook or go to concerts. Even if you’ve never been set up on a blind date, a blind friendship date is a similar concept and can open new doors to new experiences with new friends.

  1.   Join friendship apps

So much time is spent scrolling through different social media apps, so why not use this expertise to connect with new friends online? Apps such as Bumble BFF, Friender or Yubo allow you to solely look for platonic friendships. Use your Instagram to connect to people you might follow that you might have common interests with, too.

  1.   Start a new hobby or join a club

Have you always wanted to join a yoga class or a dance group? Well, now is the time! Not only will you be able to try something new, but you will also be able to use this time to create new friendships. You can also try Meetup to connect with groups in your area who have similar interests. Having a new hobby or joining a group will give you and your future BFF common ground that you both have in common.

  1.   Remember you want quality over quantity

Of course, everyone wants to have a lot of friends, but sometimes quantity does not justify the quality. Now that you are in the adult stage of life with more responsibilities, having 1,000 friends might not be ideal. Instead, focus on people that you want to build genuine friendships with that could stand the test of time.

Though it might seem hard and even impossible to make friends, that is not the truth. You will be able to make friends and develop deep relationships if you give yourself a chance.. If there is one thing that any of these tips can give you, it is to learn how to become more vulnerable. Being vulnerable and open will help you gain friends as an adult – and have fun doing it!

“A good friend is like a four-leaf clover; hard to find and lucky to have”

– Irish Proverb

Think different, do more, worry less.

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