Teen Therapy in the Flatiron District, NYC
For a teen who feels somehow unprepared, confused, or unworthy, the world can be a scary place. Your teen may be struggling with feelings of depression, anxiety, and anger.
You may find it difficult to communicate with your teen, leaving you feeling stressed and lost as to how to help them. You find yourself constantly worrying, hoping they will be okay.
As teens begin to explore their identity, come to terms with their sexuality, social relationships, social media pressures, and academic responsibilities, they can start to feel an overwhelming amount of emotions. They also go through a period of physical, developmental, and hormonal changes that can leave them feeling confused, upset, and frustrated.
Remember what it was like being a teenager? Remember dealing with stress, schoolwork, bullying, friend drama, grief, relationships, and all the pressures of being a teenager? It wasn’t easy at all. With the addition of an ‘always on’ media culture due to social media and smartphones, insecurities, frustration and depression are at an all time high for teens.
From peer and media influences to parental and societal expectations, teens today experience pressures and stressors that previous generations have never had to deal with. While everyone goes through this challenging period of life, we all experience it differently.
We know that when teens are struggling, parents are struggling.
It’s hard watching your teen go through difficult times! As a parent, you worry more than your teen likely knows. You can be involved in your teens’ life, but still struggle to understand what’s going on and how to help. No parent should feel alone when it comes to their teen’s mental health. This doesn’t mean you aren’t doing a good job as a parent! You are doing your best and it’s okay to need extra support.

Why therapy?
Sometimes, teens find expressing themselves to be really hard. They may feel embarrassed or scared to tell you that something is wrong. Therapy is a safe space where they can open up and talk about their thoughts and feelings. In therapy, teens can learn how to communicate their needs and wants in an effective manner and build healthier coping mechanisms.
Through this process your teen can become more productive and successful in managing their everyday stressors. In turn, this can positively impact their home life, school and interpersonal relationships with friends and family. This can strengthen your relationship and eliminate or reduce unwanted or problematic behaviors!
More than ever, teens need to know there are people in their lives who understand what they are going through. They need access to those who will help guide them through this time of big physical and emotional challenges in order to express themselves in a healthy, constructive way. It is normal for parents to need to find outside support for themselves and their teen. That is where therapy comes in!
Through therapy, your teen will learn to regulate and amend challenging, unproductive, or even self-destructive thought patterns. The emotions and behaviors that can negatively impact a teen’s life are thoroughly examined, explored, and addressed in a compassionate and empowering way.
Therapy helps your teen with:
- Impulsive/disruptive behaviors
- Frequent mood swings
- Self-injuries and suicidal behaviors
- Depression and anxiety
- Family and peer conflict
- Anger outbursts
- Eating disordered behaviors
- Poor coping skills
- General concerns that impair your and your teen’s lives
Ways to help your teen:
- Individual therapy
- Family Therapy
- Parent Coaching
- Individual and Group Dialectical Behavior (DBT)
Teen Specialities:
Parent Coaching
As part of teen therapy, EYMT offers 45 minute parent coaching sessions weekly to discuss how parents can best support their teen. It is skills based, helping parents implement and reinforce skills for their teen while also being able to discuss their concerns and receive parenting tips.
The coaching sessions are intended to add additional support to your teen’s individual or group therapy. If you are seeking couples or individual therapy, please contact our client care coordinator.
Why It Works
It’s difficult to be a parent, and no one really teaches you how to excel. It is especially hard when your child is struggling through young adulthood. Parents can feel lost and confused, needing support. Parent behaviors, interest in and communication with their teens impact their child’s behaviors significantly. Coaching is a great addition to your teen’s personal therapy to support and foster positive change with your teen and family overall.
There may be thousands of places to find information and ‘the best ways’ to parent online, but it’s important to note that every child and family is different – the way people learn, master skills, communicate and grow varies greatly. Coaching helps get to the root of the issue and develop the right skills for your teen to thrive.
For teens who are diagnosed or curious about learning more about a neurodivergent diagnosis (Autism/ADHD), EYMT provides educational services for teens and families. Emotions can be confusing during teenage years, and at EYMT we can help navigate the added distress of emotions related to being neurodivergent.
We would be happy to answer any questions you have. Please call us for a free 15-minute phone consultation.
Teen Therapy in NYC
We provide teenage therapy in our NYC office in the Flatiron District near Madison Square Park. Also serving the Village, Chelsea, Union Square, the Financial District and the surrounding areas.