Comprehensive DBT Therapy Program in the Flatiron District, NYC
What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)?
DBT is a therapy that focuses on finding balance and getting unstuck from extremes. The D in DBT stands for Dialectics; which means synthesizing or integrating opposite ideals, thoughts and behaviors.
DBT is a therapy that is backed by numerous research studies as an effective treatment for those who suffer from Personality Disorders, Suicidality and Self-harm. Research also shows that DBT can be utilized to assist with a variety of other issues as well!
DBT addresses a wide array of issues such as: anxiety, stress, depression and more.
It might be worth considering DBT if you are dealing with:
- Trouble coping with stress.
- Difficulty managing your emotions.
- Struggling to make changes in your behavior but feel unable to do so.
- Difficulty advocating for yourself.
- Giving in too easily to the demands of others.
- Dissatisfaction in relationships whether platonic or romantic.
- Difficulty managing change and life transitions.

Four main components of DBT help us get what we want out of life:
1. Mindfulness
Learning to be present-focused and non-judgmental of ourselves and others. This means to fully experience what’s happening around you and inside of you with self-compassion and love.
2. Emotion Regulation
Learning how to better understand and handle our emotions so that we have more control over our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. In essence, taking your emotions out of the driver’s seat and putting yourself back in it.
3. Distress Tolerance
Learning how to tolerate stress as well as negative emotions when they arise so that they do not become paralyzing. Simply learning to manage our stress with more ease and less crisis.
4. Interpersonal Effectiveness
Learning how to better navigate all types of relationships in order to understand and build long lasting, healthy relationships with those who matter most.
The core of one’s unhappiness is trouble managing and coping with all of this. These struggles create extremes in the way you think and that can be paralyzing and exhausting. We are here to help you break that cycle of thought.
Marsha Linehan, the founder of Dialectical Behavior Therapy, once said that we all want to “create a life worth living.” We like to think about it as creating a life worth loving.
Either way, DBT can help you create that life.
What is a Comprehensive DBT program?
A comprehensive DBT program integrates all the wonderful elements of DBT with some additional elements that only further support you.
Our program includes:
- Individual Dialectical Behavior Therapy
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Group
- Phone Coaching
- Intensive Staff Consultation for Therapists
Phone Coaching
First off, what is phone coaching?
In DBT, phone coaching involves the primary individual therapist being available to clients by phone between therapy sessions.
The aim of phone coaching is to generalize the skills clients are learning in therapy to their everyday lives. As such, calls focus on how the client can figure out what skills to use and how to use them to navigate difficult everyday situations. Sometimes, calls also focus on how to get through a crisis (suicidal or otherwise).
Staff Consultation
Team work makes the dream work, as they say! Both your individual and group therapist meet weekly with their DBT consultation group in order to consult and discuss. We work together in order to ensure that we are all providing best practice treatment for you. This is extremely beneficial as it reduces burn out on the therapists end and aids in problem solving and validation. It is also beneficial for your treatment as it ensures the therapist is accountable and receives best practice guidance in walking forward with you through your treatment journey.
Our staff is all supervised by Alyssa Mairanz who is a licensed Mental Health Counselor and DBT-Certified Therapist.
These services are offered to both Teens and Adults.
We would be happy to answer any questions you have. Please call us for a free 15-minute phone consultation.
DBT Therapy in NYC
We provide Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for life transitions, stress, anxiety, depression, relationship help and self-esteem in our NYC office in the Flatiron District near Madison Square Park. Also serving the Village, Chelsea, Union Square, the Financial District and the surrounding areas.