In Documentary

Most people have thought to themselves at some point or another, “I want to quit.” Whether you’re referring to a job, a relationship, school, a bad habit, sports team, community, or anything else, this thought is normal when we find ourselves in a situation we no longer want to be in.

As hard as it can be to quit, it can also feel quite good. 

Why is this? How can quitting possibly feel good? After all, isn’t there the saying that ‘quitting is for losers’?

Well for starters, there are countless reasons why people contemplate quitting the situation they are in. Some of the common reasons why people quit their jobs are because they feel they are in an unfit or unhealthy work environment, they received a better job offer, disliking your boss or coworkers, lack of opportunities to advance, wanting to switch careers, and much more. And just like jobs, people may want to quit relationships for numerous reasons. For example: a lack of compatibility, loss of trust or communication, lack of respect, boredom, to get into another relationship, and so on.

It can also be difficult for people to quit because they might think the situation is ‘good enough’ –  even when it’s not. It’s not uncommon to be fearful of change, or we don’t want to let someone else down. What about the fear of the unknown? The thoughts of what might happen after you quit, the uncertainty itself, keeps you in a situation because at least you know what you have, it’s familiar. For instance, not quitting cigarettes due to the withdrawals. Or not quitting your stressful job because it pays the bills. Whether it’s a relationship, a job, a habit, or a community, quitting is not easy. Not only can our mind’s force us to stay in an unhealthy situation, but society has also ingrained in us that in order to be successful, we must persevere no matter what the cost. However, this belief can actually be harmful to people who are sticking it out as they are jeopardizing their own well-being and putting themselves in harm’s way. 

Even though it may be scary, terrifying, or intimidating to quit, unbeknownst to us, it can have some incredibly positive outcomes. For instance, quitting can feel empowering and exciting because you are essentially gaining control over your life. Taking back your life can happen with quitting. You are practicing making choices that benefit your well-being by deciding that YOU are the only one who controls your life and thus, ridding yourself of whatever may be causing you harm. Additionally, it can feel empowering because you are prioritizing your happiness by taking actions that put your health and well-being first. 

Quitting has the power to prove that you have the ability to make huge (or small) changes in your life and survive. 

Not only can you make these changes and survive, but you have the ability to remove whatever it is in your life that isn’t benefiting or serving you anymore and thrive. What a relief it can be to let go of something that turns out, is holding you back.

The action of quitting gives you the power and ability to engage in activities, people, or habits that are more aligned with your values and goals. By acknowledging what isn’t working for you in your current situation, you can receive clarity on what does work for you and where you would like to spend your time and energy. 

In all, quitting might not be an easy decision to make. But when you are at a point where you recognize your current situation is no longer benefiting you and is negatively impacting your well-being, the choice to quit has the power to positively impact you

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