In Documentary

An affirmation is anything we tell ourselves. There are positive affirmations and negative affirmations; it depends on how you frame it.

We might notice that we routinely are easily discourage, have low self-esteem or have difficulty getting through the day without feeling down or empty.

A quick test – 

For 1 day pay close attention to what you say to yourself. Spend some time noticing if these thoughts or negative or positive. Write down these thoughts.

Great job! You’ve already taken a concrete step towards changing your mindset.

Positive affirmations help us to be our own cheerleader.

They allow us to change the way we talk to ourselves during the day little by little. When we become aware of the way we speak to ourselves and acknowledge it. It makes us more conscious of our inner critic and ways in which we can better support ourselves throughout the day with a simple phrase change.

An affirmation can be as simple as telling yourself “I’ve got this!” or more in-depth such as “I am creating the life that I want. When I allow my light to shine, I unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. “

An Affirmation is much like a mantra; which is a phrase that we repeat to ourselves during meditation to help us focus. Such as affirmations are a way for us to set intentions for ourselves both consciously and subconsciously.

Ways to utilize affirmations:

  1. Choose which negative thoughts you would like to shift
  2. Pick an affirmation
  3. Say it to yourself over and over!

When we begin to use positive affirmations to cheerlead us through the day, it helps us in many ways.

You will notice a decrease in stress and an overall increase in happiness! Tasks that were difficult, while still hard, won’t seem so impossible. It also helps us get through difficult times.

Affirmations also help us to increase our self-esteem, self-confidence and self-love. It transitions us to a mindset that is more nonjudgmental and self-compassionate.

It helps us to recover from invalidation because we are acknowledging that our responses may not be valid or realistic, changing judgmental self-statements (or creating counterarguments) and reminds us that no matter what: We are doing our best!

If you want to learn more about how affirmations can change your life, get more tips and tricks on how to utilize affirmations and get some concrete examples of powerful affirmations:

Click here for our free e-book!

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