In Documentary

Most of us have heard that in relationships “communication is key;” so, how do we begin to practice healthy communication in relationships? 

An important first step is to clarify our goals of communication with ourselves, especially if it involves something that might cause conflict. Knowing why and what we want out of particular conversations can help us feel more confident, and boost our ability to remain mindful and flexible. A great way to remind ourselves of our rights in communication is to build a bill of rights. This reminds us what we feel is our right in communications and relationships such as: I have the right to stand up for myself, or I have the right to be treated with respect. 

Second, not only do we want to get our point across, but we also want to make sure we are actively listening to the other person’s concerns as well. It’s important to balance our wants and needs, with listening to others. It is a dialectical process: Standing up for ourselves AND giving space to validate the other person still.

Additionally, staying transparent and honest is crucial. We want to avoid exaggerating things, such as consequences. In healthy communication we want to stick to the truth, and the facts of a situation. 

One last important way to maintain healthy communication is to not be afraid to ask for clarification. It’s okay to need further explanation on things when we are communicating with others, because we aren’t mind readers. The healthiest thing a person can do when communicating is to always ask questions, and not shy away from being honest when we don’t understand something or need a little extra clarification. It can save both parties frustration and time spent miscommunicating if we simply ask: “Can you explain that further, I am having trouble understanding,” “Could you clarify that for me,” or “I heard this, is that what you meant?” 

Nurturing healthy communication in relationships is a dynamic process that involves self-reflection, active listening, and transparency. By embracing these principles, we pave the way for relationships built on genuine connection, respect, and the shared pursuit of effective communication.

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