In Documentary

We all can have a lot on our plates. There always seems to be many things that have to get done. This can be extremely overwhelming and stressful. Finding a way to create a daily structure and routine can help lessen daily stress and make our to do list more manageable.


Routines do not need to be complicated or rigid. The idea is to create a way for you to make sure all your needs and responsibilities are met on a daily basis. Creating this type of routine will then also allow for you to make time for relaxation and pleasure, which is vital to life satisfaction and positive mental health. Routines can help effectively make time for things that have to be done and the things you want in a way that lessens stress and feeling overwhelmed.


Human nature dictates that we operate better with some kind of the structure. The key is finding a routine that fits with your personality and way of operating. The specifics of a routine and level of flexibility vs. structure will depend on what works best for you. However, you can follow a general formula to play around with to help find your daily routine.



You can use ROUTINE as an acronym to help remember the steps

  • Responsibilities: The obligations you have to meet. It is important to break down all responsibilities into daily tasks. Waiting for the last minute or trying to do it all at once makes it more overwhelming and possibly even results in things not getting done. For example, when you are in college and have to study for tests and get homework done. List what needs to get done and break it down into daily study/homework duties.


  • Ongoing structure: Thing about how you can create an ongoing structure on a daily basis. This might mean certain things that are set everyday or it could be setting a particular time each week to set your structure for the next week. Any combination or middle between the two can work. The point is to make sure you have a set structure for how you have an ongoing daily routine that works for you.


  • Use of mental health tools: What do you need to be doing on a daily basis that helps your mental health? Self-care falls under this category. Make sure you incorporate mental health tools into your routine. In DBT there are many skills that we do on a daily basis to help maintain positive mental health and life satisfaction. It is important to put those skills into your routine. If you do not yet have tools (DBT or otherwise) related to this, then it is important to first take some time and figure out what that would be.


  • Things that give you meaning: Part of a satisfying life is finding meaning. What gives people meaning differs per person. For someone it might be helping others, for another it might be developing intellectual knowledge, for someone else it can be spending time with family, and so on. By making sure you do things regularly to give you meaning, it helps you feel empowered to be productive and lessens vulnerability to stress.


  • Interests: It is extremely important to make time each day to do things that interest you and things you find fun and enjoyable. All work and no play is not a sustainable lifestyle. You will easily burn out and be more prone to stress. Think about things you enjoy doing and plug them into your daily routine. You can plan specific things each day or just plan a specific time for interests and decide in the moment what you want to do.


  • Novelty: Structure time regularly to try new things, be spontaneous, and/or just have free time to do whatever you feel in the moment. This is about not getting too rigid in your structure that it becomes monotonous or boring. It also helps you work toward a more go with the flow attitude so that when things don’t work out as planned, you are not automatically stressed.


  • Envision a satisfying life: This means make time to work on goals. Goals help you build or maintain a satisfying life. It takes time and effort to accomplish your goals. You can make it more manageable and less stressful by putting goal tasks into your daily routine.


To start building your routine, first think about what specific things you need to incorporate from each of the above categories. Then brainstorm how you can best structure your daily routine. Allow for trial and error. Give yourself time to play around with your routine until you find the best fit. Every so often, re-evaluate your routine and be flexible to make changes as needed.



Goals are a big part of creating a routine to help lessen stress. Sometimes, you start with the goal of creating a routine. Either way, to help you start working on your goals and creating your best routine, download your free goal setting and planning guide here.


Alyssa Mairanz, LMHC, DBTC

Alyssa Mairanz provides counseling and therapy services for life transitions, relationship issues, self esteem, depression, anxiety, and DBT and Psychodynamic therapy in a NYC group practice in the Flatiron District near Madison Square Park. She also serves the Village, Chelsea, Union Square, the Financial District and the surrounding areas.

Empower Your Mind Therapy’s mission is to helps our clients build the life they want and find more happiness and satisfaction.

Think different, do more, worry less.

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