Understanding emotional vulnerability is an important part of mental health. Emotional vulnerability is your sensitivity threshold to triggers. Essentially, an emotional reaction is based off how [...]
It can be difficult to handle stress and manage negative emotions. When faced with these things, as a way to cope, people tend to engage in unhealthy habits. The problem is that these unhealthy [...]
Perfectionism is defined as the desire for everything to be done perfectly and the inability to accept anything less than that. The problem is that this is not a realistic, sustainable outlook on [...]
Loving kindness is a DBT skill that helps reduce suffering and increase happiness. In short, it is a meditative practice where you repeat specific words and phrases to foster feelings of [...]
The power of a positive mindset can change your life for the better. A positive mindset means an optimistic outlook on life, more positive thought patterns, and an overall attitude of happiness [...]
Beliefs that you have about emotions will impact your own personal experience of emotions. Often, people generate myths, or faulty beliefs, that can lead to difficulty in controlling emotions. [...]
It is common for people to feel taken for granted and unappreciated in their relationships. This can especially be an issue in romantic relationships. When it feels like there is a lack of [...]
Throughout the day, everyone has thoughts about themselves that pass through their mind. These thoughts are one’s self-talk. When self-talk is self-critical, self-loathing, or self-hating that is [...]
Dialectical Behavior Therapy is all about balance. The definition of dialectical is finding the middle path (or balance) between two seemingly opposing ideas. Examples of dialectics are [...]
Understanding and describing emotions can be a difficult process. You may not always be sure of how you feel or why you feel that way. This makes it difficult to manage and regulate your [...]